Going into 2019 I didn’t have any particular goals, but very quickly it became the year of me getting into shape. Ten days ago I weighed in at 15st 4lbs, a whole 6st and 4lbs lighter than I was in March! I have put about 6lbs back on over Christmas, as I’ve given myself time off from the diet.

It really has been quite a change in lifestyle. I’ve cycled from time to time before, but nothing like I did this year. I don’t think I’ve ever really gone jogging more than once or twice in a month and now I’m running 5k’s 4 or 5 times a week!
That leaves me a little limited in what I can use as a goal for 2020, but I guess now I’ve got things moving, I just need to improve on them.
In 2019, according to my Strava profile, I cycled 2,305 miles and ran 166 miles. There are a few factors to consider when setting 2020 targets.
- I didn’t start anything in 2019 until March
- Even when I did start, I was struggling to cycle more then 4 or 5 miles in one ride
- I only really cycled until October, no runs over 1k until then.
- In 2020 I will likely mix cycling and jogging through the summer.
So given all this, I think I should aim for 3,000 miles cycling and 500 miles running.

As well as these targets for the year, I would also like to complete a 10k running, a ride of over 50 miles and even a ride of over 100km.
I’d also like to get my weight down to 15st (210lbs or 95kg) which should be quite an easy accomplishment given I was almost there before my Christmas binge!
Happy New Year everyone!